
Credit Ratings and Corporate Bond Information

Credit Ratings

Credit rating agency Long-term bond Short-term bond
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) A /[stable] J-1

(As of July 2, 2024)

Corporate Bonds

Date of issue Name Year-end outstanding balance Yield Security Date of maturity
November 29, 2023 The 23rd domestic series of unsecured straight bonds 10,000 0.86% Unsecured November 29, 2028
November 29, 2022 The 22nd domestic series of unsecured straight bonds 10,000 0.58% Unsecured November 29, 2027
March 3, 2022 The 21st domestic series of unsecured straight bonds 10,000 0.43% Unsecured March 3, 2027
March 4, 2021 The 20th domestic series of unsecured straight bonds 10,000 0.16% Unsecured March 4, 2026
November 28, 2019 The 19th domestic series of unsecured straight bonds 10,000 0.22% Unsecured November 28, 2024

(Unit: Million yen)

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