
Corporate Governance

Fundamental Principles regarding Corporate Governance

The Company considers corporate governance to be the system for making transparent, fair, prompt, and bold decisions by taking into account the views of stakeholders, such as shareholders, customers, employees and local communities. The Company develops business organizational structures and systems and takes the measures necessary to achieve Our Vision “Building new businesses -and the future- with our material intelligence”, based on Our Purpose “We promote the well-being of the world through a spirit of exploration and diverse technologies.”, under Our management philosophy of “With creativity and productivity, we, Mitsui Kinzoku Group, will explore products of value to society, and seek an eternal growth of our group.” It views corporate governance as one of its most important managerial tasks.
Pursuing its objective of “making a contribution to all stakeholders,” the Company executes policies throughout the business group by focusing on the following:

  • Providing shareholders with payments of sound dividends consistent with the Company’s performance, and disclosing information in an appropriate manner.
  • Providing customers with high-value products
  • Establishing harmonious and mutually prosperous relationships with local communities.
  • Creating a rewarding working environment and working conditions for employees.

Moreover, as an institutional foundation that enables the Company to carry out fair and valuable business activities, the Company has been taking the following measures and other measures.

  • Establishing various company regulations and rules, including the Code of Ethics
  • Introducing various audit systems and whistle-blowing systems

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