

2015/09/01 CSR Research & Education

Good example of making social contribution through business

YOURSOFT Inc. is a system engineering company that provides IT solutions that came from the information system division of Mitsui Kinzoku that became independent in 1989. YOURSOFT received the Best Practice Award from the Japan Image and Information Management Association (JIIMA) for its advanced case of creating an application that uses a scanner to store tax documents within a workflow system.
The workflow system helps conduct a series of operations efficiently by using computers and a network. It collects and delivers computerized application forms and notices, processes approvals in accordance with predesigned work procedures, and helps increase the speed of office work to improve operational efficiency and strengthen internal controls.
Many companies considered systems for the storage of receipts with a scanner to eliminate the hassle of storing actual tax documents such as receipts. This new system also eliminates the work of managing these receipts in connection with application documents and mailing them to the accounting department, something that companies were unable to do in the past because of a number of legal hurdles. Although multiple challenges needed to be tackled?such as electronic signatures, timestamps, and history management?YOURSOFT successfully created this system by satisfying each individual legal requirements in consultation with the Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau.
This was a good example of how the desire to help tackle difficulties and solve problems in society is not limited to the development of metal materials and products.

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