

2015/06/01 CSR Research & Education

Recognizing the importance of consistent daily efforts

Shigehisa Ishigami, Manager of the Precious Metal Smelting Unit of Mitsui Kushikino Mining Co., Ltd., was recognized in the safety affairs category at the Fiscal 2015 Mine Safety Awards in the Kyushu Region.
This awards event is hosted by the Kyushu Industrial Safety and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The awards recognizes outstanding achievements of persons engaged in safety many years in the Kyushu region the department oversees.
Mr. Ishigami works to ensure safety, and has a record of no accidents for the 34 years and two months he has worked at the company. He received the award in recognition for his energetic efforts to prevent accidents and mine pollution. Over the years he has acquired different qualifications such as that for a Class A mine pollution control officer, and has applied his experience in operations to improve the working environment and ensure safety. These efforts were all highly regarded.
Moving forward, we will strive to produce as many award winners as possible to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Ishigami. At the same time, we will continue conducting initiatives that are valued by many outside organizations by sharing his dedicated attitude towards safety and daily efforts within the Group.

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