Basic Policy on Health and Safety
Mitsui Kinzoku Group holds that occupational health and safety is essential for business continuity. In accordance with our Basic Policy on Health and Safety, we provide a safe and comfortable worksite environment.
The basic health and safety policy, KPIs, and practices apply to all employees working for Mitsui Kinzoku Group, including employees of cooperative companies and contractors.
Basic Policy on Health and Safety
Based the awareness that ensuring the health and safety of all people working for the Mitsui Kinzoku Group is the most important issue related to conducting business activities, we will create a safe and comfortable work environment.
- We comply with occupational health and safety laws and regulations while setting voluntary standards as necessary, as part of our efforts to improve our health and safety management levels.
- We work to enhance the organizations and systems to promote health and safety activities at each location and company of the Mitsui Kinzoku Group.
- We identify and assess risks or harmful factors in all areas of our business activities and take measures to eliminate or minimize them.
- We endeavor to introduce new methods and technologies to improve health and safety.
- Based on the awareness that good communication is essential to ensuring health and safety, we strive to have appropriate communication with all people working for the Mitsui Kinzoku Group.
- We strive to continuously improve the health and safety management system by regularly implementing an audit.
- We provide employee education and training to help all people working for the Mitsui Kinzoku Group to fully understand the importance of ensuring health and safety and increase their awareness.
Revised in April 2022
KPIs (2022-24 / 22 Plan Period)
1. Safe, hygienic, and healthy workplace
(1) Reduce the number of accidents resulting in no lost time or more <30
(2) Reduce the number of occupational accidents/diseases <10, especially for new employees (<1 years of employment), senior employees (>60 years old) and foreign-national employees
2. Eliminate serious accidents
(1) Reduce to zero: the number of serious accidents (fatal accidents)
(2) Reduce to zero: the number of accidents that cause irreversible physical sequelae
(3) Hazard simulation training
Environmental and Safety Management System
Mitsui Kinzoku Group has established the Supreme Safety & Environmental Meeting as a place to deliberate and determine the most important matters related to safety and the environment. Guidelines and action plans determined at the Meeting are spread to each site by the Environmental and Safety Supervisory Manager (General manager of the Environmental and Safety Dept.) under the direction of the Chief Environmental and Safety Officer. Each site has a chief person responsible for managing environmental safety, who makes sure that the required actions are being reliably executed.
Reporting to the Board of Directors
Progress of safety plans, occupational accidents and implementation of measures to prevent recurrence are reported once a month at the Executive Council, which the President attends. The President (Representative Director) or the Chief Environmental and Safety Officer reports important matters to the Board of Directors for monitoring and supervision.
Meeting of General Managers in Charge of Safety and Environment
The Environment and Safety Department holds a meeting of general managers in charge of safety and environment once a month. The Chief Environmental and Health Officer and the general managers in charge of safety and environment at each business unit participate in the meeting, with a corporate auditor and labor union representatives attending as observers.
In addition to confirming the progress of safety plans and reviewing safety performance, the meeting analyzes the causes of each accident that has occurred at each site in Japan and overseas and discusses how to prevent recurrence. Furthermore, the meeting regularly confirms the implementation of measures to prevent recurrence and the deployment of these measures at each site, identifies areas for improvement, and takes thorough measures to prevent accidents. The agenda details of the meeting are reported to the members of the Board of Directors.
Health and Safety Management System
All major sites of Mitsui Kinzoku Group manage occupational health and safety in accordance with ISO45001. For small-sized sites, we developed an internal certification system. At each site we work to realize an upward spiral motion by going through the PDCA cycle in accordance with the management system. Improvements to the issues identified by the review are incorporated into measures such as risk assessments as well as health and safety training.
We conduct safety risk assessments following the management system when planning new projects and when building or remodeling facilities, to prevent accidents and mitigate risks. Existing facilities are periodically checked for safety to incorporate the latest technology and to assess the effects of long-term operation.
Labor-management activities
Each site holds a Health and Safety Committee meeting where labor union representatives and site managers attend to deliberate on measures in order to prevent occupational accidents and health problems.
Meetings of the Central Health Act are also held once a year in order to share company policies and information on occupational health and safety at each site. The attendees of the committee meetings are as follows; the Chief Environmental and Safety Officer, the Chief
Environmental and Safety Administrators of each site, and the officer in charge of safety at labor unions under the Mitsui Mining & Smelting Workers Union.
We have concluded an agreement on health and safety with the Mitsui Mining & Smelting Workers Union and implement measures for occupational health and safety based on the agreement.
Internal Safety Audits
Teams made up of safety officers from each business division and the Environment & Safety Department conduct safety audits of each site.
They check aspects such as action taken to address issues identified in the previous audit, execution of the safety and health management program, enhancement of the intrinsic safety of equipment, chemical substance risk assessments and the status of safety training. They then conduct a field audit of each site. The audit results are immediately shared with the management of each site.
Health and Safety Training
Each production site improves the safety awareness of their employees by conducting KY (“Kiken Yochi ” meaning “hazard prediction”) activities before starting operations, and giving experiential risk training by experienced employees.
Furthermore, at each workplace the workers and supervisors talk about safety issues, implementing training to ensure the safety and working on safety compliance activities thoroughly.
Information on work-related accidents within the Group and training materials are available on the intranet so that employees can review and refer to them at any time.
Accident Prevention Efforts
We are working to prevent recurring accidents and eliminate major accidents.
1.Investigation of accident causes and prevention of recurrence |
After an accident occurs, we simulate the scene of the accident, investigate the cause, discuss measures
to prevent recurrence, and disseminate the information to each site. We also review our safety standards
and incorporate the accident into the Group's training programs as a case study as needed.
2.Formulation of the President’s Policy on Important Health and
Safety Issues |
We analyze every year’s safety performance results and the status of accident occurrences, deciding on
the President’s Policy on Important Health and Safety Issues as a next measure that should be promptly
and intensively implemented.
3.Study of accidents at other companies |
We analyze the causes of accidents that have occurred at other companies by using accident case
studies provided by the Japan Mining Industry Association, the Japan Federation of Basic Industry
Workers' Unions, and other organizations. We make explanations and case studies of those examples
that will be helpful for our group in training and training programs within the Group.
Introduction and deployment of a Lockout System
The Lockout System is a system that shuts off and locks the power source of machinery and
equipment to prevent occupational accidents caused by mishandling and to protect the safety
of workers. Currently, we are regularly reviewing and improving the proper operation of the system.
4.Elimination of major accidents |
Intrinsic Safety of Equipment and Preventive Management
In order to ensure preventive management, we are improving equipment and work processes to
remove or minimize sources of hazard identified in our risk assessments.
Enhancement of Hazard Simulation Training
In addition to hazard simulation training at work sites and on actual items, we have introduced VR
(Virtual Reality) hazard simulation equipment at our manufacturing sites to simulate serious accidents.
President’s policy on important health and safety issues for 2025(*)
- [Preventive management]
Promote understanding of equipment structure and work standards. Review the implementation status and effectiveness of accident-prevention measures at our company and other group companies by utilizing the Health and Safety Committee. Practicing intensive warm-up stretching prior to operation with the aim of maintaining and improving a sound mind and body.
- [Improving the intrinsic safety of equipment and reviewing work content]
- Promote the intrinsic safety of our facilities and equipment and be sure to conduct risk assessments when installing new facilities and equipment, improving existing facilities and equipment, and reviewing working methods. In particular, take the necessary measures to protect personnel through safety equipment, fences, etc.
- Review the work content of older workers to take into account characteristics such as reduced physical strength.
- [Safety compliance activities]
Prescribe rules that can be followed for the effective prevention of accidents, and thoroughly implement the Basic Safety Rules to eliminate accidents caused by rule infringements.
- [Risk sensitivity]
Improve risk sensitivity by promoting "hiyari-hatto" (close call incidents) activities and risk assessment, as well as ensuring hazard prediction before non-routine operations.
In addition, conduct hands-on education (including external or VR training) in a planned way.
(*)The policies are based on the analysis of the accidents occurring between January and September 2024, and enacted in October.
Integrated Report 2024 Occupational health and safety/Initiatives for environmental issues/Disclosure of climate-related information in line with the TCFD recommendations [PDF 1,370KB]