Human Resources Development


ESG Data Employees

Human Resource Development Policy

Based on the "Human Resource Development Policy, Mitsui Kinzoku Group develops “Employees who have their own will” responsible for realizing value creation of the Group.

Human Resource Development Policy

We recognize that our associates are the most important assets for sustainable growth. We established “Desirable Behaviors” and continuously and systematically develop human resources, bringing out each associate's potential to achieve "strong manufacturing ability" of Mitsui Kinzoku.

  1. We strive to create a highly engaged, inspiring workplace, and develop a corporate culture that allows our employees to grow together through good communication and friendly competition.
  2. Each employee aims to practice “Desirable Behaviors” and voluntarily makes efforts to improve their skills.
  3. We promote on-the-job training and job rotation to help each employee build professional skills and have job opportunities suitable to exercise their individual strengths.
  4. We fairly evaluate each employee’s skills and performance.
  5. We provide appropriate training in a timely manner, improving the related programs through periodic review and revision.
  6. Revised in April 2022

* Human Resource Development Policy applies to all sites of the Mitsui Kinzoku Group worldwide.

Development and Training System

Mitsui Kinzoku Group promotes human resource development by both OJT and Off-JT training programs. We develop and implement training programs to enable employees to be self-motivated and learn autonomously, improve their abilities and skills, and demonstrate their strengths, and to support each employee's continuous efforts to build a lifelong career.

We timely update Off-JT programs. For example, while selecting OJT instructors and providing training to the instructors, we also collect information on training issues such as communication methods between instructors and subordinates. Then, we use the information to prepare new training programs for young employees.

Renewal of Training System

In FY2022, in conjunction with the reform of the human resources system, we reformed the training system.

Some of the major changes are as follows;

・Reformed the system focusing on cafeteria-type skill development programs
・Introduced ICT training
・Introduced MLP*

* MLP stands for Mitsui-Kinzoku Learning Platform, an online learning platform that provides employees with a variety of training programs. In addition to in-person/online group training, we also offer various video courses that can be viewed at any time in order to support employees' autonomous learning.

Overview of the Off-JT training programs

Management by Objectives and Performance

Under the management by objectives system, each employee prepares annual objectives each year, describing their objectives, expected results and process of their execution. At the beginning of each fiscal year, employees communicate with their supervisors to clarify their roles, understand organizational goals, and raise their awareness for participation.

Interim interviews are held every quarter to follow up on the progress of the objectives, and a development interview is held in April after the end of the fiscal year, in which the employees self-evaluate the degree of achievement of the objectives for the year and receives evaluation and feedback from their supervisors. 

In the personnel evaluation system, in addition to evaluating the aforementioned objectives, we aim to fairly evaluate the expected roles of employees through their work performance and to reflect the results of the evaluation into raises, promotions and term-end allowances*.That being said, the personnel system policies, including the management by objectives system, the personnel evaluation system, and the salary system, is disclosed on the intranet. Employees are able to view these regulations at any time.

*At Mitsui Kinzoku and its major domestic affiliates, we have introduced a performance-linked, fiscal year-end allowance system that applies to employees (including non-managerial employees), which reflects corporate and divisional earnings performance. Moreover, under the personnel evaluation system, individual employee performance for each fiscal year is reflected into the term-end allowance.

・The percentage of employees that undergo personnel evaluations(FY2022) 
Mitsui Kinzoku and its major domestic affiliates:100%

*This excludes employees that are on a leave of absence or for other reasons are not subject to personnel evaluations.

Career Development Support

In April 2022, we reformed our human resources system, upholding the basic principle of appointing the right people to the right positions based on their abilities and performance, regardless of seniority, under the job/role-based system. At the same time, we enhanced initiatives for supporting career development that helps individual employees develop their career according to their own intentions and values.

Internal Public Recruitment System

We have introduced an internal recruitment system in order to promote motivated employees and make vibrant organization. Open positions are posted on the intranet, and employees who meet the requirements for open positions can apply on their own initiative without approval from their supervisors.

Career Development Training

Mitsui Kinzoku conducts "career development training” for each age group in order to support employees in developing their own life-long and self-directed careers. The training programs provide employees with the opportunity to look back on their lives and work, to rethink the careers they have built up, and to develop a career vision for the future.

Self-statement System and Career Interview

With the aim of creating a development plan that meets the wishes of each employee and providing opportunities for them to play an active role that matches their aptitudes, employees are asked to self-report their skills and techniques, their desired future position, their intention to transfer, and what they would like to convey to the company. This information is used as basic data for future career development and appropriate placement of human resources.

In FY2022, we introduced career interview to discuss employees' future career visions through dialogue with their supervisors. We will consider both employees’ wishes and the company’s expectations.

While reconciling the company's expectations and employees’ career wishes, we aim not only to promote human resource development but also to increase motivation by linking the career vision for each employee with the actions needed to achieve it.

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