Our Approach

Mitsui Kinzoku Group is establishing an information management system in all sectors of the Group to minimize the risk of information leaks due to management weakness.

ICT governance

Mitsui Kinzoku Group strives to enhance its ICT governance system with a focus on three areas: building a security operations center (SOC, internal function for detecting/analyzing/taking measures against cyberattacks) ; performing security risk assessments; and establishing a computerized ICT procedures control system.

Building an SOC at overseas sites

Mitsui Kinzoku Group has implemented the SOC function across the Group to ensure all employees use ICT and DX tools in a safe and secure manner. The function has been established at all sites, including those overseas, where necessary work was completed in FY2022.

Security risk assessments

Security risk assessments were conducted for systems used at each site following the completion of sessions for group-wide common systems. The aim was to reduce risks and improve security levels on an ongoing basis. We are steadily proceeding with the security risk assessment plan scheduled to be completed within the three years covered by the 22 Mid-term Plan.

Establishing computerized ICT procedures control systems

We are establishing computerized control systems for ensuring the proper rules-based execution of ICT procedures that were previously performed by human workers. The project is advancing according to the schedule created under the 22 Mid-term Plan.

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