
Board of Directors

Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)

  • NOU Takeshi

    President and Representative Director

  • OKABE Masato

    Representative Director Senior Managing Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer,
    Senior General Manager of Engineered Materials Sector

  • IKENOBU Seiji

    Managing Director, Senior Executive Officer,
    Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning & Control Sector

  • YAMASHITA Masashi

    Director, Senior Executive Officer,
    Deputy Senior General Manager of Corporate Planning & Control Sector   

  • TOIDA Kazuhiko

    Outside Director

  • TAKEGAWA Keiko

    Outside Director

Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

  • SHIKI Kazuya

    Director, Audit and Supervisory Comittee Member

  • ISHIDA Toru

    Outside Director, Audit and Supervisory Comittee Member

  • INOUE Hiroshi

    Outside Director, Audit and Supervisory Comittee Member

  • KAWANISHI Sachiko

    Outside Director, Audit and Supervisory Comittee Member

Senior Executive Officers

  • IGATA Hiroshi

    Senior Executive Officer,
    Senior General Manager of Mobility Sector  

  • YASUDA Kiyotaka

    Senior Executive Officer,
    Senior General Manager of Business Creation Sector 

  • SAITO Osamu

    Senior Executive Officer,
    Senior General Manager of Metals Sector

  • KAWAHARA Makoto

    Senior Executive Officer,
    Senior General Manager of Technology Sector

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