Social Media Policy


Mitsui Kinzoku Group (Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries) promote the proper usage of social media based on these principles.
We, Mitsui Kinzoku Group employees, thoroughly abide by the following rules for participating in social media:

  1. We full understand the characteristic of social media such as “Information instantaneously transferred to unspecified number of users”, ”Hard to delete information completely once published.”
  2. We abide by relevant laws and Mitsui Kinzoku Group internal regulations. We respect and prevent form infringing copyrights, trademarks and other third-party rights.
  3. We will respect the proprietary information and privacy.
  4. We will commit faithful and responsible behavior and never publish information that is inaccurate or harmful to third-parties.

To Customers, Clients and those Who Participate in Social Media
Please note that information stated by Mitsui Kinzoku Group employees in social media do not reflect official announcements or views of the Mitsui Kinzoku Group.
For our official announcements and views, please refer to the respective Mitsui Kinzoku Group official website and the press releases.

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